God is Faithful

Rick and Lisa:

On my way out of town today I went by the post office and began to weap as I opened an envelope from the two of you. I don't know if you understand the meaning of the gift that you provided however it encouraged my faith tremendously. God has been very faithful to provide for this ministry. But during the past several weeks the donations have been very few and the expenses have been great. As long as donations were coming in I didn't doubt the provision of God that He is and will provide for the needs of this ministry however over the last few days as I looked at the flow of donations I have began to sinfully wonder in my mind how He was going to provide and even began to look at the budget and say are there any areas that we can save in, as if to say that my God is not capable of meeting our needs. However, when I arrived at the post office God slaps me upside the head with an absolutly unexpected envelope from you. I began to weap, not just because of the provision that He provided through you but primarily because of my sinfulness towards His faithfulness and because of your extreme sacrifice. The sacrifice that the two of you have made in investing in these four young men will change generations and the sacrificial giving that I opened today caused me to call out in repentance to my Father. I see your faithfulness to His word and I pray that my life will one day portray the same.

God help me to never take my eyes of off you and fall into the sinful trap of self reliance again.

I love you guys
Chad G