more please


Rick and I picked up the oldest four "J's" about 4pm on Thursday, April 1st. Yes, It was April fools days and they played many pranks. Josh (12), Jacob (Jake) (10), JaShawn (Shawn)(7) and Jaylon (JayJay)(5) were so excited to be coming to Birmingham for the weekend. Muscacholi was being prepared at the house by Josh and Staci and almost ready when we arrived. The children ate and ate and ate until their little bellies were extended. The children are all very polite and very sweet to each other. Josh the oldest just turned twelve in March and he is a great big brother and takes care of all 6 of his little brothers. Josh carries so much responsibility for such a young age. After everyone had finished eating on Thursday night, he politely came and ask if he could have "More please". He ate four bowls of food, but not until everyone else had eaten. As bedtime rolled around, Jake and Shawn both wanted to sleep with Josh. JayJay went to spend the night with Josh and Staci and he slept between them. Friday morning I went into their room to check on them and the 7 year old was ironing his clothes. Wow! Friday and Saturday were filled with three boys going to work with me, to Etheridge Barber Shop for haircuts which revealed ringworm and dandruff, fishing at Spain Park, one lost fishing pole that sailed into the lake upon casting, playing with crickets and earthworms, walking across a concrete bridge with great fear, a snake on the rocks, warm showers and coconut lotion, clipped fingernails and toenails, Target and Walmart shopping, Easter egg hunt, swinging and sliding at the park, back yard wiffle ball, roasting marshmallows by the fire, riding in the big black truck, signing songs and talking about Jesus and praying together. It was a great way to celebrate our risen Savior! It was so much fun showing, sharing and serving these children from the black belt of Alabama.