public eavesdropping


You never know who is listening to you talk in public. Today we were shocked as we got up from our table to leave Niki's West after having vegetables for lupper (lunch and supper combined). An older gentlemen, with his wide brim straw hat still on his bald head, sitting alone at the table behind ours began to call out "wait a minute, I have something". Bullen politely stooped to hear his small voice, "I'm sorry?". "I have something" the sweet little man repeated. Bullen responded to him "No, this is my leftovers that I am taking with me". The little man repeated again as he was reaching into his pocket, "I have something for you that might help just a little." He pulled out a $20 bill and held it out for Bullen. This little "baba" had heard our conversation and the Sudanese accent as we talked during our meal.

Bullen, Andrew and myself had been talking about Sudan. We talked about a truck business, school books, supplies, crops, vegetables, rain, buses, roads, water wells, tukuls, raising money, bank accounts and so many other necessities they will need when they return to their home country. Our conversation led him to want to give to these young men (Bullen and Andrew) from South Sudan. Thank you Jesus for everything You do for us and help us to Glorify YOU every minute, everyday!