

"People are lost—and don't know it. Not knowing TRUTH (Jesus) for themselves, they are deceived. They seek relief and answers from the lusts of the flesh and the idols of the heart. They exalt man and his accomplishments instead of God—and think it is man who saves us!

Countless Americans have turned their back on God! Far too many are choosing the broad path that leads to destruction. Our country desperately needs a great awakening: an awakening to our sin; an awakening to righteousness; and an awakening to the unfathomable Word of God. Kay writes:

Beloved, until the Lord returns, it is never too late to turn to God! And, unless we do, the America we know is gone. Think about Nineveh—when the people repented, the Lord relented (Jonah 3:10).

There has never been a greater need for God and His Word in our nation and world! Kay shares her burden for America."