lost ball in high weeds


For weeks now, one of our students has been walking around like a lost ball in high weeds. He is so sad about the circumstances that have come to pass in the 360 house. He is learning life is about choices, good and bad ones. He is learning life has boundaries and rules. Rules are in place for a reason and cannot be broken without consequences. One student is no longer part of the program, one is without a roommate, one-half of a closet is empty, mom and dad have the household chores of the missing link, now three do the job of four, rotation comes every three weeks instead of once a month, one is very lonely, and all of this due to ONE, yes one, wrong choice. How could ONE person, make ONE choice that could effect so many people?

SIN is not a friend; it is not merely a bump in the road of spirituality! 

Sin will take you further than you ever wanted to go.., 

Sin will keep you longer than you ever wanted to stay..., 

and Sin will cost you more than you can ever pay.., 

It can cost you, even your eternal soul!

Thank you Father, that you teach us lessons everyday. Help us all to walk in righteousness and turn from our flesh and this world. Thank you for Your creation in JJBG. Thank you Jesus for Your love and Your truth. We long to by like You and Gloify Your Name.